Grand National Roadster Show
January  2004
Pomona, California
Pictures By:  Jack Lawford

      One of the things we enjoyed so much about this show was the diversity of cars and displays that sort of told the story of our hobby.  These beautiful creations we see now from the outstanding builders of our day are an evolution from the old days of the  "Go fast cars" and racers of  So-Cal such as Alex Xeypdias and the customizers who started it all �.. Guys like  George Barris,  Gene Winfield and Dick Dean, Bill Hines, etc..  It was their talent and enthusiasm that started our hobby and the artists of today just picked up the ball and ran with it giving us all of the really beautiful and amazing cars being built today.   We were so glad to be able to stop and talk to George Barris, Gene Winfield and Alex Xdias.   Jack has known Gene Winfield for over 30 years and visited his shop in Canoga Park often over the years.   It's really neat to have first hand memories of so many of the things that we now consider "history" in our hobby.     

     George Barris is perhaps the most well know customizer in our hobby.  He is of course well known for all of his famous "movie cars"  but has built many other show cars as well.     Right now George is working on a new car with builder Jerry Kind.  It's called  "Shark A.T.T.A.K. and we have the exclusive build up pictures as they work on the project. Check out the plans at

     It's always good to see Gene Winfield ��  Jack was at his shop on the day 5 or so years ago when they were putting the Northstar Engine in the Cadi here at the show today.  Seeing Gene's cars really  does take us "back to the future"         

     But talk about  a real legend in our hobby and Alex Xydias is  "the man".  I'm sure he didn't know it back in  1946 when he opened the So Cal Speed shop that his business would lead a whole generation or two of people into his beloved sport.  Alex started his business out of a love for cars and with that began a life long involvement with rodding that would be largely responsible for much of what we enjoy today.  Alex has been involved over the years with Hot Rod Magazine,  helping to start the now famous SEMA show and of course So Cal  Speed Shop�. Then and now. What a pleasure to stop and chat a few minutes with such a great guy � and as you can see he enjoys it as much now as he did  "then"