
   Another show under our belt ....  and it’s time for the trip home.   You have probably heard about the floods in the Midwest...  On our way to the show we stayed in Bismarck, ND and we had trouble finding a hotel because so many flood victims were staying at hotels after being evacuated from their homes.   On Interstate 94 going Westbound on the way home, the Interstate was in danger of being deluged ....   there was an inflatable barrier put up to hold the water back ....   Pretty scary.




Okay.... we’re driving along the Interstate and Jack spots this Chevy at a building under construction.....   Screeeechhhh...  off the ramp and back around to see what was going on here...


Turns out this building is a 3 year project being built by Bob Cullen and his sons.   It’s going to house his collection of very cool muscle cars.  

Bob’s going to keep us posted on his progress and will send us pics once he’s done and his cars are all in place. 


We got a kick out of Bob’s son driving the golf cart around the property....  reminded us of how it used to be....  kids having a great time  out in the yard.

So... on this stop the treasure was in meeting another car guy and a new friend in Montana

In another small town in Montana we found this old Drive In Theater

There were old cars behind it and a sign that said it was a car dealer... but the bigger sign said  No Trespassing...

In Montana .... you pay attention to the No Trespassing signs...


Hard to see but there is a car back there...

Found a little shoebox

And some firetrucks



Stopped and asked about this car but the woman who owned it wanted too much....  like we need another car !  HA

A shop with a Coupe for a sign way up on a pole


More beautiful Montana Scenery....

Of course THIS is the scenery Jack likes...

This is our regular stop in Bozeman just outside of town.

There were a few new cars here. This guy drags in cars from all over the West.



Still don’t know what this is ... or WHY !



And that was it....  time to quit fooling around and head for the barn....  so we high tailed it from Bozeman on home and kept the blinders on all the way .... no alley surfing .... so screeching off the Interstate ....   Just head home so we could share all of this with YOU ....   Remember.. if you are in the mood to hunt for old car treasure and meet some great people along the way....  Montana,  Idaho and  Wyoming are the States to hit.  We’ll get to go through   Wyoming on our way to Louisville ...  see what we can dig up for you...   

Until Next Time.... Keep Roddin .....

But Wait.....  There’s more........





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