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Santa Ana Drag Strip & Main Street Malt Reunion

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A copy of an old poster announcing the Drag Races.Jerry Hart is the son of C. J. and Peggy Hart.  Jerry keeps a museum of his  father’s drag strip at his home and often takes parts of it to various events.Jerry Hart is the son of C. J. and Peggy Hart.  Jerry keeps a museum of his  father’s drag strip at his home and often takes parts of it to various events.Don Cook brought a few Santa Ana drag strip mementos to share.Don Cook brought a few Santa Ana drag strip mementos to share.This 4-5-’54 Santa Ana Drags trophy was won by the Cook Bros. for a speed  of 126.30mph.Betty Belcourt’s son drives jet dragsters, she is modeling the shirts he sells.Betty Belcourt’s son drives jet dragsters, she is modeling the shirts he sells.“Bench racing” with Ed Iskenderian (seated w/cap & blue shirt).Ed Iskenderian and Al Teague catch up on what they’ve been doing.Some of the guys enjoying the event.Some of the guys enjoying the event.Jim Murphy(L) talking with Jim Miller.This event had that rarely seen, “Free Lunch”. Gene Mitchell  	generously provides all the food, drinks, chairs and tents at his own expense.This event had that rarely seen, “Free Lunch”. Gene Mitchell  	generously provides all the food, drinks, chairs and tents at his own expense.This event had that rarely seen, “Free Lunch”. Gene Mitchell  	generously provides all the food, drinks, chairs and tents at his own expense.This event had that rarely seen, “Free Lunch”. Gene Mitchell  	generously provides all the food, drinks, chairs and tents at his own expense.Jim Miller is the President of the Society of Land Speed Racing Historians and a  	hot rod and land speed researcher.Al Teague went over 409 miles per hour at Bonneville, a record that lasted nearly  	two decades before it was broken.Gary Kranz.Mike Sauer.Eldon Harris.Phil Turgasen.Dick Roseberry parks his Ford roadster with the other hot rods.Dick Roseberry parks his Ford roadster with the other hot rods.

Santa Ana Drag Strip & Main Street Malt Reunion

Santa Ana, CA
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Photos by: Roger Rohrdanz

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